"In which labels are used as weapons"

Jan 23, 2012 17:40

Yeah, it really takes someone really brave to bash a cat's head in, paint the word "Liberal" on its lifeless corpse, and leave it for the owner (who happens to be an Arkansas Democrat Campaign Manager), his wife, and his children to find, doesn't it?


I’m not going to paint Conservatives with a broad brush, but at least one person decided that he didn’t like them thar libruals wot are ruinin’ the U S of A! and tried to send a warning message to the family. And because of the graffiti, I’m going to have to believe that it wasn’t a fellow Democrat that committed this gutless, cowardly act.

Look, I don't hate the conservatives any more than I hate the liberals. I do, however, hate that people use the two words as weapons. Especially when the word "liberal" isn't actually an insult any more than is the word "conservative". Please, look them up. It only takes a second, I promise. Maybe you'll stop tossing them around so much. I can at least hope that's the case.

In today's world, politics have become a sports event to many people. They sit in their La-Z-Boy recliners and scream that the reason the world is so fucked up is because of the other team. And like all sporting events, when a penalty is called against your own team, you pretend to not have seen it. Against the opposing team? Oh, you better believe that you yell at the referee like he’s got brains leaking out his head for not seeing that horrible foul. And we all know that we want to be on "the winning team" ... even though we're not actually doing anything except sitting there on the couch chowing down on hot wings and pizza.

Nothing that I can or do will ever change that sort of mentality.

But the one thing that I can do is put a message out on the internet to call out one gutless prick who is apparently too cowardly to debate his views and instead resorts to a violent act of terrorism… and yes, I called it that because it actually is terrorism to commit this kind of action with the intent to terrorize another... to grow a fucking spine and step forward with a public confession. Not that they'll actually have the courage to do it, but...

If you think that killing a cat and trying to traumatize an entire family is how you win people over... well, I hate to break it to you, but you’re a fucking moron who deserves time behind bars. No, I'm not advocating "an eye for an eye" (even though this insignificant prick manages to knock one of the cat’s eyes out of its skull).

See, I won't ever advocate the bodily harm of another living thing in order to send a warning message to those whose viewpoints I disagree with.

That is what differentiates me from you, you pathetic little shit.

Standard disclaimer: the views expressed here and elsewhere within this journal, including, but not limited to "rants", "opinions", "entries", etc. are mine. My opinion. Not the gospel. Not to be taken with alcohol. Not to be followed blindly. Not based on any particular fact and should be considered gossip or hearsay. Feel free to read, respond, debate or acknowledge said opinion. If you don't like my opinion, great -- stop reading this journal or state your own opinion disputing it. If you want to post a response telling me that I have no right to express said opinion and/or tell me how wrong said opinion is without providing proof, you can just fuck right off. I think that about covers it. Enjoy!
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