"28 days before Netflix and Redbox!"
That's one of Sclockbuster's
primary ad campaigns at the moment and one that I have tremendous issues with. It stinks of "Let's cut a deal with motion picture studios to give the movies to us first and make anyone who wants to watch them go through us to get their flix fix!" In a culture of "being cool for having it first" though, it works.
I mean, who honestly gives a crap about being the first kid on your block to own something any more? Oh... the others who are pissed about not being the first kid on the block! Yeah, I forgot about the social superiority inferred on those who stand in line overnight to get the "Next Big Thing".
I never really did understand that mentality. Especially because if you wait a little longer that "must-have" is going to go on sale. Or have things that make them suddenly burst into flame and hang up on calls while you're using it, fixed. And you won't have to camp outside the store in the rain to get one. Camping should be left for visits to your local State Park and should include marshmallows and hot dogs over a blazing bonfire. ;)
Anyway, back on topic. It's a dirty practice if you ask me and one that might end up costing studios some cash sometime down the road. I hear of more and more people turning away from Lackluster's notorious "membership rules of the week" approach of sticking it to their loyal customers. I think that studios should be releasing copies across the board because... logically... if everyone wants to watch that movie, shipping 1000 copies to three outlets is a lot more profitable to the studio than shipping 1000 copies to one outlet. That's simple math, right? 1000 < 4000 still, right?
But here's the thing: Cockbuster gives them a kickback for movies that they release with the rental chain as sole or early release locations and the chain recoups that cost in the form of more rentals during that month-long exclusive period. Smart business or bordering on dirty pool? A little of both, methinks. Either way it's annoying.
Speaking of doing the "Agreement Shuffle", am I the only one who sees their new pricing platform as annoying, confusing and like getting sand put in the Vaseline? Not even six months ago, you rented a new release for just under four and a half bucks for a week. Judy and I used to rent movies on Friday, watch them and take them back the following week when we picked up different titles. Now? Four bucks (It's cheaper! Hurray!) will get you a rental!
...for three nights.
Yes, they decreased the cost by 50 cents but they also switched to a three-day rental period. With additional late fees for every night they're late. Hey! Didn't they tout the fact that they dropped late fees a couple of years ago? Oh, wait -- they brought in "restocking fees" didn't they? Oh, wait -- the late fees are back again!
So basically, for a week's rental, that same title from six months ago to now? Up from $4.50 to uhh... 9 bucks. Hell, for that much I might as well just go catch a matinee on the big screen. At least at the theatre, they don't try to hide the fact that they're charging $5 for a box of SnoCaps that you can pick up at the Dollar Tree down the road for a buck. I mean, you KNOW you're getting screwed when you order that $8 bag of popcorn to snack on but at least they're not trying to pull the wool over your eyes.
Yes, it is true that you can rent some of the older new releases (Huh? That makes no sense!) for a mere $3.99, $2.99, $1.99 or even 99 cents but again... three day rental period. And they're only to happy to nail you for those reinstated-non-existent late fees. What ever happened to the days of "all older movies x price and all new releases y price"?
Unfortunately it appears that they know their customer base because the racks of movies not against the wall are almost always full even though they're only 99 cents and the brand-spankin'-new-only-at-Blockbuster-for-the-first-28-days movie slots are empty. People are paying the price.
Needless to say that Judy and I don't rent nearly as many movies from there any longer. Mostly because I'd have to make a special trip into town to drop them off. And well... we've got Netflix, Netflix streaming movies, Comcast On-Demand and a large selection of movies that we'll rewatch because we like them so much we bought 'em. I've been watching a lot of horror movies (aka: "Movies that Judy Won't Watch") through the streaming route via my PC and headphones.
...though I will have to wait 28 days for that new flick that everyone's raving about.
Yeah, I think I can wait.
Just don't go posting spoilers, okay?
Standard disclaimer: the views expressed here and elsewhere within this journal, including, but not limited to "rants", "opinions", "entries", etc. are mine. My opinion. Not the gospel. Not to be taken with alcohol. Not to be followed blindly. Not based on any particular fact and should be considered gossip or hearsay. Feel free to read, respond, debate or acknowledge said opinion. If you don't like my opinion, great -- stop reading this journal or state your own opinion disputing it. If you want to post a response telling me that I have no right to express said opinion and/or tell me how wrong said opinion is without providing proof, you can just fuck right off. I think that about covers it. Enjoy!