Mar 16, 2007 21:56
FYI I am headed to Big Bend the last week of this month.
Afternoon of the 23rd I will be driving to Austin and putting up with my sister. I will leave sometime the next day, and blow through San Antone on my way out West.
I plan on spending 12-18 hours in Austin (about 8 sleeping and several more with my hermana) and no more than 1 or 2 in SA, BUT if anyone will be in those towns on those days OR the 29th (I might get out that afternoon or evening) and/or 30th (I will be free to travel home this day) and would like to grab a bite or spend an hour or two with me, please message me, e-mail me or call me. Those who want it can ask me for my new cell number for contact once I'm on the road/in town.
word, your homie
Dr. J