Feb 28, 2005 20:03
I got it! I got it! I got it! Yaaaaay!
*does a Kermit the frog innane flailing of arms*
Muchos kudos to gynn for lending me his CAR to get the test done...
I soooo nearly didn't sit the test due to panic reactions, but I did, and I'm really quite glad...
My theory as to why I passed?
I had the ability to establish dialoge / standup comedy routine on improv, and use it as banter to build up a comunique wirh the instructor, causing him to overlook a number of infractions I probably made.
I still don't have a functioning car, but I feel a whole lot better about the fact that its not working at the moment....
And you know what? I even got my German homework done and handed in!!! Joy.
I feel good about today, considering all the possible pain it could have been.
( Was particularly mortified of the possibility of damaging the BORROWED car. Because of COURSE I'd pay for repairs. But then I'd be repairing someone elses car, and still worried about getting my own working. Le suck.)
Ah well. Time to de-stress.
I found my flatmates collection of Lexx.
Keen, no?
Darcy out for a bit.