stolen from nick

Apr 25, 2004 04:03

1. What year was the best year of your life?
july 2002-july 2003, so far.

2. One animal or insect that Noah should have left off the ark?

3. Do you make a wish before blowing out your birthday candles?
I wish i could find a nice girl to lavish way too much attention on.

4. Do you generally open your bills on the day that you receive them?

5. How many pillows are on your bed?
one. i'd much prefer to have a bed made of pillows, though.

6. Favorite ice cream flavour?
strawberry, or vinilla. (they're not boring, they're just the best!)

7. What is the most dominate color in your wardrobe?
Probably green, although I'd almost say a tie between white, the aforementioned green and blue.

8. Have you ever seen a ghost?
not really. i sense calm places, but i dont sense ghosts.

9. Would you rather go to a carnival or circus?

10. Favorite meal: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?

11. Your favorite fictional animal?

12. Have you ever flown first-class?

13. Would you go on a reality show?
sure, why not.

14. Are you more optimistic or pessimistic about the future?
optimisitc about the long term future. pessimistic about the short term.

15. Pancakes or waffles?
yes please. 4 or each.

16. If you could own a home anywhere in the world, where would it be?
scottland, or maybe new york, or maybe the middle of goddamn nowhere. i dont really care, as long as i'm happy there.

17. Your favorite Soup of the Day?
beef and veggie

18. What site is a must see for all visitors to your city?
it's dayton. to quote dave chepple: i was in dayton, ohio the other day, you know what's a fun thing do do in dayton, ohio at night?....NOTHING. Dayton ohio is the most boring place on the planet earth. all you should be thinking about in dayon is getting out.

19. Can you recommend a good restaurant in your city?
not really

20. You go to the zoo; What is the one animal that you want to see?
goats, the petting zoo is fun.

21. Potatoes, rice, or pasta; Which is your favorite?

22. What is the best movie that you've seen this year?

23. One of your favorite books when you were a child?
enders game, read it when i was in 3rd grade, probably 20 times since then.

24. What in your life are you most grateful for?
my health.

25. You are home alone and use the bathroom; do you close the door?

26. What is your favorite small appliance?

27. Salty snacks or sweet treats?

28. Are you usually a little early, a little late, or right on time?

29. What is the most daring thing that you have ever done?
i'm not sure, i've done some daring things.

30. Have you ever met someone famous? If yes, name one.
not really.

31. What was one of your favorite games as a child?
duck hunt.

32. At what age have you looked your best
21, just before i broke my arm, i'd been climbing all summer, i was in the best shape of my life, i'll be in better shape before the end of the summer though.

33. One person that never fails to make you laugh?
george carlin.

34. What was the first music that you ever bought?
Offspring, americana, i love that album.

35. If you could change one thing about your family life when you were a child, what would it be?
it was the best my parents could ever be asked to give a child, they did their best.

36. What is the one thing that you cook that always receives compliments?
steak and potatoes. i'm pretty basic.

37. From what news source do you receive the bulk of your news?

38. In the last calendar year, how many people have you told that you love them?

39. Who recieved your first kiss?

40. The single most important quality in a mate?
that they are willing to try anything / they are carefree

41. What do you value most in a relationship?

42. Do you believe that you have a soulmate? If yes, have you already met?
sure, yeah. i'm not sure, i thought so, but i seem to have been wrong.

43. Do you consider yourself well organized?
good god, no.

44. On average, how many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror?
2, maybe 3

45. Did you ever make a prank phone call?

46. What one quality do you seek in a friend?
each is different

47. Have you ever killed an animal?
fish, bugs, i alwayes feel bad about it. i suppose i've contributed the deaths of thousands, for my food, but i dont feel bad about that. a cow or two was involved in my jacket, but i thank them pretty often, for the warmth and such, so i feel like i'm not being horrible for that.

48. When you were twelve years old, what did you want to be when you grew up?

49. Do you believe in an afterlife?
yeah, but i'm not srue what it's like.

50. What would you like to accomplish with the remaining years of your life?
i'd like to be happy, and have some kids.
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