Apr 04, 2004 22:21
what up kiddos? haha yeah so I am back and so are you and I hope you are ready for another go at it. I have been told I can go for a long time... hehe... ehhmmm yeah so this weekend I just kick back and played video-games instead of drinking! It was good though I was a lil upset because GMU has fuckin nothin to do unless you got friends in a fraternity, in a fraternity, or go home. I mean my stoner friend across the hall had been tryin to score some loot since like thurs. I mean a couple of my friends in the cell I knew did (I dont however) and I tried hookin him up but nothin. Like this campus gets dry over the weekend unless you know people. But yeah I have been playing Elder scroll's 3: Morrowind. It was pretty fun. but yeah I hate this fast-forwarding an hour thing. I get less sleep and it is pissin me off! That and it is still cold. Whatever. I need to do my homework. Leave some love kiddos!