Mar 19, 2006 23:07
So another quarter is over, and i have grown 3 months more as a person.
As far as school is concerned I turned in my best academic performance since middle school and ended up with 2 A-'s and a B (3.5 gpa). Most notable was the A in english because that was the same class I failed that Mr. Perry told me I "wasn't college material". Its all good though. I got a house with 5 other guys for next year which should be real nice. Partyied a little less this quarter. Spent a little more time with Willy X and learned a lot of things about myself. Won an NCAA football tournament. Got a Job
Now I am back.
I've realized many things.. How much I love home, how out of shape I am, How amazing my little sister is, How awesome my friends are, How amazing my girlfriend is despite the ups and downs.
I went to "church" today for the first time in about a year. The best way i can say it is i feel like my soul took a gigantic bath today, i feel very refreshed with some new perspective on things.
Right now i am happy, thats all that matters.