Jun 01, 2005 13:43

WOW, havent updated in a loooooooong time!

Well my life is going pretty good, i love my friends way more then they know. I miss all my flint friends but i did get to see Tony, Hamed, Pat and Jon Jon over the weekend. It made me feel a lot better seeing them, what great guys those sigma chi's!! HAHA that was lame!

I know i have kind of been some what distant in the past couple of weeks but it was because i was restoring myself into the old nikki that i use to be before i started being the uncool nikki that people started to not like. I did a lot of thinking about my life and how i was handling my situations i was going through. But now i have figured it out, im new and improved and happy! Not to mention i'm so much stronger and i want to world to see it.

I have also been sick and working on getting healthy. My stomach hates me and wants me to feel pain all the time anymore and the doctors dont know whats wrong.:o/

Even tho im happy again and stronger i sure do wish life would get a lot easier. And also even tho im happy and strong im still missing things in my life that have me down at times but i'm learning to live through them. I can only hope that i will have the missing things in my life back again, but im trying to not get my hopes up. BUt one can only pray for the best!

I miss school and people, can't wait to go back. I start my camp counselor job in two weeks, cant wait to start making all that money.

Still broken, but working on healing
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