not much is new.
uh i have belly hair. and very tiny black hairs on my upper lip. soon i will look mexican.
i sound like a 12 year old boy.
i keep injecting myself and then 2 days later i get deadly shooting pains off to the side of where I did the injection. the whole side of my leg gets swollen and i can barely walk. i am not sure what is causing this.
first time around i thought it was my leg not being extended. second time i thought it may be the needle wasn't straight. so this third time my needle was proper, and my leg extended. though i bled much more than usual this time. we'll see if it hurts tomorrow, it'll be the 2 day deal.
if it does hurt, i am getting her to do my next shot haha.
living with Tina is absolutely fantastic. i am really happy here. i have a home. i have kitties, which are my babies pretty much.
here they are being sweet:
other than thaaaat, not a lot is new!
hmmmmmmmm. i would like to play some DnD soon, so someone go buy me the rules compendium.
oh here is what i look like.