Sep 11, 2013 09:43
"We have seen the threat that the Muslim Brotherhood has posed here for the people in Egypt. We have seen the threat that the Muslim Brotherhood has posed around the world. We stand against this great evil. We are not for them. We remember who caused 9/11 in America. We remember who it was that killed 3,000 brave Americans."
-Rep. Michele Bachmann, in Egypt
I saw the clip for this. Bachmann and two other Congresscritters flew to Egypt and insulted the world. I especially liked her saying 9/11, because what she actually said was "nine one one", assuming everyone could insert the proper punctuation, and here I thought the people who caused 911 were the phone company. I've always wondered if Bin Laden et al chose that day for the attacks for that relationship to Americans. I was personally unaware that The Muslim Brotherhood = Al Quaeda, especially since, what was it, 11/12ths of the hijackers were Saudi Arabian nationals. Amazing the things that you can learn from elected gov't officials!
(tip o'the hat to Mr. Magoo)
michele bachmann