A Demon's Nest of Sentiments

Aug 11, 2013 13:13

Sometimes on Sunday, Brooke McEldowney, the author/artist of the comic Pibgorn, posts a political screed. I've agreed with most of what he's posted, plus I like his comic.

If the individual vote were invested with any actual value, any potency, it would be yea or nay. That is, nobody might be elected until the emergence of a candidate whose ethics and intelligence exceed those of a tapeworm. This option, to withhold one's vote (imagine a federal election in which all candidates wound up with a vote of no confidence), would give the electorate real control over government, and possibly lead the citizenry to become choosy before squandering their voting privileges.

However, the vote, having no such puissance, is one of the several ways the constitution recognizes that all legislative processes would grind to a dull halt if the government were required to exclude imbeciles.


One thing that I love about some political systems is the vote of no confidence. There are many things broken about the American electoral system, and I think the absence of such is one of them. There's far too much money, dishonesty, and secrecy in our election process.

Pibgorn just began doing a series re-creating Romeo and Juliet with the core characters, he did Midsummer Night's Dream a while back and it was quite interesting. I'm really looking forward to seeing how this series turns out.

politics, pibgorn

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