Apr 11, 2013 09:28
On Real Time With Bill Maher (HBO, podcast available via iTunes) last week a documentary film maker went to a NJ beach area heavily hit by Sandy, asking a Tea Party gathering about government spending. They all said that government spending should be cut. When asked further: Social Security? No. Defense? No. Vet Benefits? No. Education? No. Military? No. What they did want to cut: government salaries and foreign aid, things that would make pretty much a 0.0% difference to the budget or deficit.
It's the obvious and classic problem of everyone gets assistance from the government in some form, and no one wants to cut programs that they benefit from.
I agree, spending needs to be reduced, especially when the economy is weak like it is now. Government layoffs with a weak economy is totally bone-headed thinking, because you're contributing to unemployment and job market pressure when you already have high unemployment. Spending cuts are going to hurt lots of people, and there's going to be lots of blow-back on it.