First the director says they are, then he says the TSA Inspector General says they're safe, so he isn't. The problem is that these machines are not regulated by the FDA since they're not used in medical treatment. There are a huge number of unanswered questions, and unless the TSA is forced to answer them, they probably never will be.
The backscatter x-ray device is the two monoliths that you stand between. A pencil beam of x-rays scans your body up and down, back and forth. It uses ionizing radiation, which is known to cause damage to DNA. And DNA, to a degree, can repair itself. But there is a huge disagreement between how the manufacturers and TSA calculate the actual radiation amount received and how scientists calculate it.
(the other scanning device, millimeter radar, looks like a glass-sided cube and is not known to damage DNA)
And then there's the shielding. It's probable that the TSA workers around the machine are receiving some pretty impressive
alleged at Boston's Logan airport earlier this year.