Fingerprints and entering or leaving the country

May 29, 2009 07:21

Apparently a pilot program started under the previous administration is deploying which will be scanning people's fingerprints as they are LEAVING the country. Supposedly they will only be scanning non-US citizen's prints. I'm sure there will be zero scope creep on this one.,homeland-security-to-scan-fingerprints-of-travellers-exiting-the-us.aspx

And a man came to the US from Singapore to see family. He's a cancer patient and takes a drug of "chronic inflammation of the palms or soles of the feet and the skin can peel, bleed and develop ulcers or blisters -- or what is known as hand-foot syndrome." As a result, you can actually lose your fingerprints.

He's been on the drug for three years.

He was detained by Customs for four hours because they couldn't get a fingerprint from him. But he was eventually let in.

homeland security

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