A treaty is being circulated, in secret, that could have some pretty amazing ramifications. Among them: all P2P would be illegal, including trading works that are legally available, and region-free DVD would also go bye-bye.
The beauty of this is that it's being done through secret negotiations, not publicly in Congress or the UN. And major backers? Hollywood: music industry, movie industry, attorneys.
From Cory Doctrow's site: "Wikileaks has the full text of a memo concerning the dread Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, a draft treaty that does away with those pesky public trade-negotiations at the United Nations (with participation from citizens' groups and public interest groups) in favor of secret, closed-door meetings where entertainment industry giants get to give marching orders to governments in private.
It's some pretty crazy reading -- among other things, ACTA will outlaw P2P (even when used to share works that are legally available, like my books), and crack down on things like region-free DVD players. All of this is taking place out of the public eye, presumably with the intention of presenting it as a fait accompli just as the ink is drying on the treaty. "
Such fun! We've always had the best government that money can buy, it's just inspiring to see it actually at work.
http://www.boingboing.net/2008/06/06/secret-supercopyrigh.html http://www.boingboing.net/2007/10/23/anticounterfeiting-t.html http://tech.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/06/06/211236 Wikileaks is definitely a good thing.