Sep 25, 2009 23:35
So, tonight was an epic night.
It started as a terrible day. I got to class 5 mins. before it started and then realized I forgot something. So, I asked the teacher if I needed to go back and get it, of course, I did. So, I had to run 2 blocks and 3 flights upstairs to my dorm room and back. I was still late. Then a group of us went to the wrong room for the next class and had to run to the correct room. AND I felt nausous the whole time cause I had a Red Bull which made me sick to my stomache. Long day...
after modern class me, Taylor, Dan, Bradley, Ashley, and Sarah went on an hour and a half trek to Chick-fil-a.
30 mins, on the T (subway) and a drunk, cracked out Indian dude was yelling at us.
Then another 30 min, bus ride ot Burlington Mall. Chick-fil-a has never tasted so good. Then, I mean we did go an hour to get to this mall, we found Deliahs and Forever 21. Well, we shopped. Missed the early bus. So, we waited for the late one. It FINALLY came and then we sat there while the cops surrounded our bus. They finally took some Hispanic dude off the bus and searched him and let us go. A block later his friend got off. We finally get to the T and then there is more cops who search our bus. HA! Good times. We get on the T at 10:30 so we have a whole car to ourselfs....what do we do? Take pictures duh!!! Amazing pictures.
Then the car fills up we stop. And 4 hours later we get back.
Now, I'm waiting on them to text me there next plans. BUT they probably won't. These people are the cliche people. I'm not really in it. Which doesn't bother me. They would stab you in the back in a heart beat. But It's cool. Everyone else went to go see Fame. Not upset I missed it. lol
And my room mates went to another party.
I first I was upset that I may be spending a night alone. BUT now I know it may be what I want. A dorm to myself to relax and breathe and just chill alone. You don't gte this often with three room mates.
T pictures coming soon...