Sometimes the best adventure is just sitting and watching.

Aug 15, 2009 10:47

SO, I'm in Tally.
I slept in a bunk bed, in a room so dark that I didn't know if I was asleep or awake.
I was in a room with a baby who woke up every hour whining for his pacy and then finding it 5 mins. later.
I awoke to the sound of yelling children and mothers and Tom and Jerry.
Great morning aye?

Now, I'm out at "the property". The house they are building. Told it's hardwood floor day. Which means I get to sit in a room watching kids.
Although it's not too bad. It could be worse.
I have the best sweet tea ever. The kids have a tv and movies and books and stuff. And my dad, being a computer wizard, has wireless internet anywhere we go. Not to mention I have three chatpers left of Bel Canto.

Now, everytime I blog I think of Julie and Julia. Great movie. But I know what Julie is talking about in that movie when she is making all the dishes and she feels like Julia is there. I get the same feeling when I cook. I feel like my grannie bare is in the kitchen with me instructing me on how much ingredients I should use next. I don't really remember her very well. She died when I was 2. But I vaguely do. And I've been told stories. I was her favorite apparently. (unless all my aunts and uncles tell my cousins that). But she loved me. I remember her holding me. I miss her. And yet I never knew her.'

WOW sob story. My Bad.

Well, I guess my wish list at Urban Outfitters and Forever 21 is about to get HUGE!!!
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