His first interaction with Tifa was actually over the phone. When Denzel spotted Cloud's phone for the taking he attempted to call his house in Sector 7 in hope that his parents might pick up. The phone was almost destroyed in his frustration but he went through the call list and saw Seventh Heaven's number. Much to his surprise she picked up when he called and quickly hung up but Tifa called him right back thinking it was Cloud. Denzel admitted that he didn't know what to do anymore but before he could get any further his Geostigma caused him great pain before he passed out. While he was unconscious Tifa instructed Cloud to bring him back to the bar. Once the adults heard his story they believed that he wasn't at the church on accident and they took him in permanently. Even though Cloud was often out which left Tifa to watch over the kids, Denzel didn't exactly take to her the same way. He loves and respects her but the boy has a habit of hiding things from her so she doesn't worry. Instead he helps her around the bar whenever he can and often does what he's told. Denzel will do anything it takes to protect her and ever since she saved him during the fight with Bahamut he's grown a little bit closer to her. Tifa isn't his official adopted mom but he thinks of her as one he chose to have.
Still, that doesn't mean he'd pick her to live with over Cloud. Sorry mama. Tifa went back home shortly after Denzel arrived and he didn't get to talk to her much.
"Adopted" Mom || Protector || Family ❦❦❦❦❦ Sent Home
His first interaction with Tifa was actually over the phone. When Denzel spotted Cloud's phone for the taking he attempted to call his house in Sector 7 in hope that his parents might pick up. The phone was almost destroyed in his frustration but he went through the call list and saw Seventh Heaven's number. Much to his surprise she picked up when he called and quickly hung up but Tifa called him right back thinking it was Cloud. Denzel admitted that he didn't know what to do anymore but before he could get any further his Geostigma caused him great pain before he passed out. While he was unconscious Tifa instructed Cloud to bring him back to the bar. Once the adults heard his story they believed that he wasn't at the church on accident and they took him in permanently. Even though Cloud was often out which left Tifa to watch over the kids, Denzel didn't exactly take to her the same way. He loves and respects her but the boy has a habit of hiding things from her so she doesn't worry. Instead he helps her around the bar whenever he can and often does what he's told. Denzel will do anything it takes to protect her and ever since she saved him during the fight with Bahamut he's grown a little bit closer to her. Tifa isn't his official adopted mom but he thinks of her as one he chose to have.
Still, that doesn't mean he'd pick her to live with over Cloud. Sorry mama. Tifa went back home shortly after Denzel arrived and he didn't get to talk to her much.
"Adopted" Mom || Protector || Family
Sent Home
Tifa Lockhart
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