Nov 03, 2004 22:03
Lets bring back segregation.
I mean were telling people what they can and can not do based on their sexual preference. Isn't that just another form of discrimination, but not based on race? What kind of people are we to think that we have the right to take someone's right to happiness away from them. I mean fuck the declaration of independence, it's not important to the American way of life. We should take every minority group and kill them off, like Hitler did. After all that made the world a better place didn't it? The war to end all ass. This fucking hick of a president can send troops wherever he wants without any checks on his ability to do so. So your going to say I'm bitter about the election, perhaps, but I voted and I can therefore voice my opinion any way I wish, because of these great things called constitutional amendments. What? The government is going to suspend them too? I believe it. This isn't democracy. This isn't freedom. This is all Bullshit, fed to us and we believed, most of us that is. No possibility of reinstating the ass. When it happens, I'm leaving this country. I will not risk my life so that Haliburton can have more profits. I will not risk my life in a war of revenge because Saddam and your father didn't get along. If there were a VALID reason to go to war, the I will joyously go. I will be one of the first to defend the freedom(LOL) of the United States of America. In fact, I think i should fight a war against the injustice that is occurring at home. Like gay marriage. I am not homosexual, but that does not mean that I should hate those who are. I think we have all done it in a joking way, I know I have, but it was wrong. No one should be discriminated against because of Race, Gender, Creed, Sexual Preference, Religion, or for ANY other reason. And those of you who use your religion as a justification against gay marriage, THIS COUNTRY WAS FOUNDED ON FREEDOM OF RELIGION. YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT TO IMPOSE YOUR BELIEFS ON OTHERS, NONE WHATSOEVER. And those of you who think you do, I hope your burn in hell.