I want pictures! Pictures of Spider-Man!

Jan 30, 2012 20:36

So I have started a week's work experience at my local newspaper! It's really exciting but also kind of boring at the same time: i spent most of my first day sitting about waiting for people to give me busywork. Hopefully things will be better after the deadline has passed (they have to get the paper out by Wednesday) and things can build up again. On the plus side, I wrote five articles today, and got my own byline! On Wednesday I will be able to finally call myself a published writer, even if it's just 100 words on a local event.

I really think that journalism is what I should be doing: writing 50-100 word articles really suits my style and I'm adapting to the guidelines pretty quickly. If only I could get over waking up at 6.30/7.00 every morning! Oog.

the real world, ongoing mission: become an adult

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