At the Gala

Oct 29, 2011 16:56

Dear Princess Celestia,

Dressing up is super boss, and next year I am totally going to be Luna.

Your very faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle.

More pictures on my tumblr.

p.s MCM Expo was so fun! I got one of my Wonder Woman comics signed by Gail Simone, I met some other comics writers and artists I admired, I ended up not seeing Adam Howden and Gideon Emery (combination of bad timing and refusing to pay for autographs) and everybody knew who I was and admired the sweatervest. It was amazing. I have completely lost my voice, and want to sleep for a week (and I threatened to barf on poor flying_girl73 on the train home- that's her as bunches!Applejack).

here is the news, dear princess celestia, conventions

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