Back in the USSR

Feb 27, 2010 14:29

Back home for reading week! It's great to be back, especially as Mass Effect 2 was waiting for me. Oh Commander Fem!Shepard, I don't care what Bioware says you are the number one space hero of my heart.

So, to celebrate my return, here's that meme that's been floating about.

This is a variation on the 'top five list' meme, but this time, you get to ask about the characters I write.

The questions can be silly (five times America should have kept his mouth shut), serious (five things the Fire Nation can't forget), a mixture (five trips the Doctor didn't take), meta (five fics I never wrote), or whatever else strikes your fancy. Please try to stick to characters for whom I've written substantial things, or characters about whom you know I have some kind of solid headcanon. Any fandom for which I've written is fine. Bonus points for original characters--feel free to ask twice!

meme, video games

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