Another meme!

Jul 11, 2009 19:29

 Because if this blog isn't for self-entitled ramblings, then I don't know what it's for.

Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you.

I asked futuresoon , and she gave me:

Kung-Fu Action Jesus Doctor: Forcing me to use the icon you see above! Well, the Doctor really reminds me of Aang, you see. He's the last of his kind (and kind of totally betrayed them while/was responsible for them being wiped out, although Aang isn't quite as guilty as the Doctor), a messiah figure for a lot of people, he's fun-loving but wants to do the best for everyone, and he's really, really scary when he's angry. Also there's that 'multiple lives' thing that the Doc and Aang have in common, and the female-companion thing. Sorta. Okay, there the link become tenuous but apart from that, you can see my point! Also dang if Tennant doesn't suit the arrow :p

The Bugle: I have a thing for satire , especially news-based satire, and the Bugle podcast happens to double my dose of it along with the Friday Night Comedy podcast from bbc radio 4. Also, I introduced my family to it while we were driving/arguing our way across New England this time last year, and to me this will always be a happy memory- listening to weeks-old Bugle podcasts and laughing ourselves silly. (the soundtrack to Williamstown will forever be Andy's terrible American accent. Sorry, America!). And yes, John is hotter.

Asterix: Is, quite simply, one of the funniest comics ever and I will fight anyone who says different. I realise now that it paved the way for my Hetalia obsession, what with its hilarious stereotyping (read Asterix the Legionary if you don't believe me- his squad is entirely composed of European stereotypes. My fave is Neveratalos the Greek) and for that I must thank it! Now some of it can seem a little dated (the depictions of black people make me wince) but it's still really funny. And. You know. It jokes in Latin.

Crossovers: My propensity for crossovers probably stems from the fact that I have always imagined my fandoms taking place in one big, crazy universe. So when I watch House and Gray's Anatomy it's all too easy for me to imagine them calling in a consultant diagnostician from Princeton Plainsboro to abuse them and eat all their vicodin. Likewise, when I watch Torchwood I wonder if they ever made a trip to Bristol and bumped into everyone's favourite vampire/ghost/werewolf trio- and you know Mitchell hangs out with England. And Merlin did too, once upon a time. America likes pie, and he likes to get it at the Pie Hole- but what Ned doesn't know is that his problem is genetic, and a certain Company have been looking for him for a long, long time. A Company that have just been flashed on by a certain Charles Bartowski. Argh! The problem right now it that Hetalia is so damn cross-over-able and, darnit, I want to see how these characters interact!

England-the-country: Well, what can you say about your home country? It's where I live, and I can't really imagine living anywhere else. Except, you know, Wales, where I do live sometimes, but you know what I mean. Crossing the Severn Bridge is really like saying goodbye. I love this place- I like how weird we are (living on an island for so long is bound to send you a little odd), how much history we have, how the weather is mostly gentle and will only occasionally try to kill you, how we used to have a whole radio program called Veg Talk, and how we still have one (on the television, no less) called Meetings with Remarkable Trees. I like that our big space hero is either a befuddled guy in his pajamas or a nerd in a blue wooden box. There's more to it than just weather and tv programs, honestly, but it's something weird and indefinable. Something that just makes me cross when I see idiots like the BNP or read another fic with unrelenting bastard!England or weepy UKe.

Anyway, enough from me. Anyone else want some words?

meme, this is your brain on tea, telly, comic books, rambling, avatar, auntie beeb

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