Jul 29, 2008 11:55
I'm on call today. That usually means I'll get a call sometime this afternoon and then work all night until tomorrow morning. So I'm making sure I do absolutely nothing productive today.
So far so good.
I went to the library yesterday and got a stack of books. I can't remember the last time I could even think about reading for the heck of it for as long as I want. It was fun to leisurely thumb through books, deciding if I want to read it or not, putting it back and moving on to the next one.
Today though I will be giving some thought about the travel nurse endeavor. I sort of have a loose list of where I'd like to start traveling, but of course it all depends on what's available through the service. I'm going to spend some time researching a few travel nurse agencies, talking to recruiters, looking over contracts, reading some travel nurse forums and educating myself on the whole process. This is a data-gathering phase mostly.
On Thursday I'm going to start putting my books up on E-bay and moving those out. I'd do it today but I don't want to have to stop in the middle if I get called out to work. I want to relax as much as possible because being on call is a stress gauntlet. I want to be able to make it through the night without feeling sorry for myself or wanting to hurt someone.
I miss my family desperately. I'm looking foward to taking a travel assignment near them and being together for a hwhile. I was sort of kicking around the idea of moving back to Ohio but I really don't think I can handle the cold anymore. I hated it when I was younger. Now that it's going on 10 years since I've lived there I can't imagine enduring such long, dreary winters.
Then seeing thissort of sealed the deal for me.
Nope. I sure don't miss driving on ice. Not one bit.
travel nursing