
Apr 21, 2010 17:14

The vegan cooking continues apace.

And as usual when I get hooked on something, I become obsessed with it. J is "this" close to having me sleep in the garage again. I have every part of the kitchen - refrigerator, freezer and pantry - stuffed to the gills with food; food to try, food I've experimented with, leftovers from huge successful experiement, etc. She's also feeling a little hurt that I'm throwing myself into this project but haven't put as much effort into learning to cook things for her. I've tried explaining that she is so picky and so critical when things don't turn out to her liking that I'm not all that motivated to cook for her. She says she can't help it. She grew up with a cook and is used to having things cooked to her specifications. I told her that I can't help it that I grew up poor and we were thankful for whatever we had and ate whatever was in front of us and wouldn't think of criticizing a meal cooked for us. I acknowledge that she can't help who she is and I can't help who I am, but I don't have a solution on meeting somewhere in between. It's not right or wrong. It is what it is and I'm doing my best.

If I cook for me I'm not as critical of myself. I'll eat the stuff whether or not it's a failure, and if it's really awful I will think nothing of chunking it in the garbage and trying again. With her there is too much pressure to succeed and I get a lecture about food being "sacred" and can't be thrown away. It's just easier to avoid dealing with it altogether.

To me it's a learning process. It's rare that anyone gets a recipe right the first time, and if you do you can then chalk it up to beginner's luck. I love to experiment with new recipes, and so what if it doesn't turn out. You can have a good laugh about it and try again another time.

I realize that I've gone over the line to obsessiveness and I really need to back off. I find myself lying awake at night thinking about recipes. I look at recipes all day long and every free moment that I have. I am constantly compiling little shopping lists in my head.

I'm thinking about writing a food blog just as a way of dealing with this obsession. Even if nobody read it, it might be a nice outlet for me and maybe let me vent about what's going on with my journey toward veganism. I found someone at work who is vegan as well, and we love getting together and talking about our latest concoctions. Both of us feel a little less lonely in our worlds. It's nice to talk to someone who understands.

Anyway I've been taking photos and writing posts. I've been reading other blogs about food and I realize I'm not alone. I want to mostly focus on packing lunches because that is what has me most obsessed. If nothing else, maybe all my years of experimentation will benefit someone.

In the meantime please enjoy some photos of some of my amazing concoctions.

Behold...."Nutella" Brownies

The weren't as good as the recipe claimed but I'm on to something. I just need to adjust the recipe some. There is no flour in these, just black beans, bananas and oatmeal along with some other flavoring. Next time I'm going to try them with maple and walnuts and make them just a touch sweeter. That should to the trick.

Mac and Tofu

It looks disturbing but tastes amazing. This needs a little adjusting but I'm darn near there. The tofu is flavored with miso and tahini and a drizzle of olive oil to make up for the oil that would be in cheese. I think next time I'll make the concoction a little creamier before baking it, and maybe increasing the ratio of sauce to pasta.

This concotion was suggested by a a food blog reader.

Just corn, black beans and Rotel. It needs something but can't put my finger on it. My vegan buddy suggested a spoonful of taco seasoning, some chopped red onion and celery and a squirt of lime. What's even better about this dish is that it can be eaten cold, which is wonderful now that hot weather is coming.

I've got hot food figured out. Now comes the season for experimenting with cold things.

relationship, blog, food

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