2 years on

Jul 06, 2007 03:27

In the immortal words of Slim Shady.

Guess Who's Back.


I'm sure the reaction to that will be positively underwhelming to most of you but in many ways, in fact some might even say most ways, I've come full circle.

I started this journal way back in 2001 and was at it on and off for about 4.5 years. I reached a peak of about 200 friends on my friends list and even met my lovely wife on here. At that peak of my first stint  I was fairly heavily involved in LJ, even lending a hand in support and other places. Then life butted in and my priorities lay elsewhere. I came back briefly for a while but that was kind of forced and I wasn't really into it at the time. That was a little over 2 years ago.

Since then I've blogged here and there some on LJ some not.

A couple of weeks ago I bought my darling wife an LJ permanent account as a present, she'd been paying for a paid account on and off for a few years so I figured it was a good investment. We'd also talked about her stopping hosting her own domain and just pointing the URL at LJ. We'd pretty much agreed that would happen so it made sense to go with the permanent account when they were offered.

As such she had some paid time to dump off on someone, she asked me if I wanted it. She also asked me WHERE I wanted it. I guess that should have been a stupid question. I actually have (correction had, it expired last week sometime I think) a domain name that hosted my blog that was mirrored on my LJ. So common sense would dictate that I use the paid time on that account. But I haven't posted there for ages. I keep thinking about posting there but just don't. That combined with the fact that the domain name had expired and I was seriously considering whether or not I would bother with renewing it made the question more valid than it probably should have been.

Funnily enough a few days ago I'd been wandering around here checking things out, something had triggered it and I logged into the old account and had a look around.  Actually I seem to recall I might have mentioned it to her so that may have been the reason she asked where I wanted it.

But what was most interesting and what I probably ended up looking into far too much (hey it's 3am we can all examine things too much at 3am) was a comment she made when I told her to send the time to this account and that I was thinking of moving back here for good.

She said something along the lines of "You'll always be thewatcher to me no matter where you blog or what name you blog under."

Maybe the full circle is inevitable, maybe no matter how hard we try we really can't run away from what, and more importantly who we are. No matter what we call ourselves or how we try and spin things in the end we are who we are.

And maybe finally, now, after all these years I'm accepting that.

So I'm back. It's been two years and my life has changed remarkably, not in any majorly special way, I haven't done anything that lots of other people haven't already done but just the same the changes have been remarkable for me.

Have I myself changed?  I don't think so, at least not in and of myself but I think my attitude has changed, my attitude and possibly  my perspective, whether or not that means I've changed I leave for you to decide.

In the mean time I'll just try and be me, thewatcher.


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