Mar 09, 2011 17:54
I wrote this back in December 2004, just reposting it here so I can have my work all together.
Summary: Molly knows the truth about love
Dishes are forgotten in the sink of cold soapy water, enchanted wash cloths lie still on the sideboard. A cup of cold tea is in her hands, cold fingers wrapped round it and numb. She wonders sometimes if Grimmauld Place could be cursed. All the Blacks are dead now and when she lets herself think on it, so may all the new residents. She already knows some of them will be, of that she is certain.
Molly is no fool and nor is she blind. Love does not conquer anything or save anyone’s life, just gives people something worth giving it up for. It brings the pain closer and makes it inescapable, unavoidable.
She watches her sons and husband do their part for love and the good fight, she doesn’t let herself guess which one she will lose first. The longer they stay in Grimmauld Place the harder it is to return to the Burrow. It is made of all the Weasley’s that have lived there. When one of them doesn’t come back she can return and find them there. She could sit at the long table with her family again, even Percy.
She still keeps Ron as safe as he will let her, but that will not last much longer. He will give his life to Harry without hesitation and if she didn’t love Harry like her own, she would wish they had never met. Sympathy for a lost boy is safer when he can’t lead your own children away too.
Ron, Harry and Hermione will go together into whatever is coming, that she is sure of. Ron will go with Harry because he loves him. Molly will let them both go in the end as well, because she loves them too. Her boys would try and do anything she asks of them, so she will never ask them for what she wants most. She knows they couldn’t give it to her.
That’s what it’s all about in the end.
my writing