Nov 01, 2006 16:15
I almost feel at a loose ends now I've finished this section of producton work. You get into the rhythm of the working days. And when you really enjoy what you're getting up at 5:30 in the morning to do, it's even better.
The thought of having to do some temp work is really annoying, but unavoidable, hopefully get some work in and have some more money to spend at Flan!
I've also found, thanks to my roommate, one of the best dvd rental shops ever. They seem to have just about everything from TV and Film, lots of british stuff as well. They have Battlestar Galactica, Carnivale, Veronica Mars, Deadwood, Dead Like Me, Six Feet Under.
I almost cried with joy when I saw it all, those are all just the shows they have I haven't seen too. Not long till Flan and I'll be seeing Common Rotation play next week.
I just need to find some Ice Skatng classes and some more production work I'm away.
Also watched Slither again and all the extras on the disc too. Nathan is in a lot of them which is good stuff and there's a lot of swearing, especially on the Gag reel. They trash him so bad in the Who is Bill Pardy? sketch. It would be so awesome if I got to work in the same production he was in, maybe in Vancouver. It would be so cool!! Not that I'd have the nerve to actually say anything to him probably.