Okay, here's the deal...Without trying to sound or behave dramatic, I've decided that
thewasteland just isn't very me anymore. I think that I need to take a step back, regroup, and build a certain level of intimacy that I'm not getting here (these being all reasons that I haven't updated in sometime).
Of course, I'm a writer, it's how I process and it's how I think. I plan on setting up a new LJ account in which more than likely I'll create as "friends only" (perish the thought, as I never had any desire to do that). There's a few people here that I care deeply about, and a few that I would like to continue to get to know...but other than that, I want to keep it small, quiet, simple...and more *me*.
thewasteland will still be up. I have no intention of deleting her. I'm just moving on.