Aug 15, 2004 18:00
We finally have power at our apartment complex. The place smells musty and wet, so I'm looking forward to the air conditioner doing its job with the help of some incense. Opening the windows is really not much of an option, as the only downfall of our place is the lack thereof. We have three windows that can air out the fairly large (just shy of 1100 square feet) home, but it does little for circulation.
I spoke with my boss just about an hour or so ago. Although school is not going to be in session until Wednesday, all employees are due in at the regularly scheduled time. She followed up this information with, "in the best round about way I can say this...if you're sick make sure that you say so. Anything else and the hours will be taken out of your vacation time." I figure I'll end up going in anyways. Lesson plans are due at the end of this week and I have to get the grades from last week logged. Had anticipated doing some of that this weekend, except obviously under the circumstances it was pushed down my to do list. Anyways, I look forward to a near empty school...this means that the copier will be pretty much all mine and I can do as much preparation as possible before the on-start of graduate classes at the end of this month. I'm hoping for a smooth transition.
I hope everyone is doing okay in the Florida area. I've been keeping track of your progress.