...i will love everyone.. i will love the police as they are kicking the shit out of me.

Jul 27, 2005 12:50

how do you want to be remembered?

how do you want your time to be remembered?

seems like what people are really focused on. posterity. we paint our faces, light shit on fire, get bitterly wasted. take pictures, digi, anal, text, etc.

well i think if this is main goal then we are failing. realize your reason for being. and if its for posterity then you should get a tatoo on your face, or hack off one of your own limbs, LIVE on a FOX. there will most likely be much cheering and cash delites.

dont you love that this era 1970-200X will be know to pencil thumbing sociologists in 2100 as the time that youth culture came to the forefront of the societal gaze and then rotted.

seems to me that if you cant beat them join them, when in rome..etc.

so tonite at the Cubs game i will throw the first pitch and then remove both of my arms myself using only a pocket knife.(just try to guess how i get the second one off). imediately afterward i will get a tattoo on my face that says:

Whether the figure stands still or runs is unclear. VOLTO SANTO
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