My LiveJournal Sitcomthewariooflove And alpaca (FOX, 4:30):
thewariooflove (Quentin Tarantino) accidentally uses
vagi_na (Elizabeth Taylor)'s favorite shampoo. Upstairs,
w8in4thebrkdown (Gary Beussey) steals money from
xmurdereternalx (Christian Bale)'s mother. On the other side of town,
xraomx (Tupac Shakur) and
sarahmahaira (Lucy Liu) perform slapstick at the theatre. That night,
gangstamosh (Famke Janssen) makes fun of
pull_my_strings (Fairuza Balk) for enjoying pacifism. Afterwards,
cold_hearts (Katie Holmes) tries on
crotchcrew (Errol Flynn)'s pants without permission. Zany antics ensue.
What's Your LiveJournal Sitcom? (by
w8in4thebrkdown (Gary Beussey) steals money...." aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahhahahhahaha how accurate.