Jan 04, 2005 00:34
Lol. No one understands that joke.
Well, maybe Sharon. But, even she wasn't there to experience it.
My fingers smell like gasoline. Anyone care for a lick?
I hate our house. We have stuffed trolls, numerous flower creations, an abundance of beanie babies, and a fucking refrigerator that is being swallowed. Where is all this going to go -- the handle keeps flushing and it is quite obvious my mother does not feel it. The constant pull of the lever at the casino.
This evening after work I ran down Aaron's throat. Then quickly scrambled back up to breathe and say, "sorry!" I didn't "mean" to accuse him of not communicating for several days. He has explained this to me before. I guess the thing that maybe I haven't explained, -and which he would not take an interest in, (this is an assumption) is, I always thinking of things to ask him, tell him, ---However, when the time comes to see him, I'd prefer to extend my ear to listen about his day. Furthermore, I typically forget what it exactly was I was going to briefly mention.
Well, he wanted to see a movie with Heidi. She did not want to go. Appearantly. He then asked me. He still doesn't get it. This is the third? yes, third year with him.
I told Brian Nielson I'm going to rape his child. He said that was fine since he doesn't have any kids. ---Brian's funny. I wish he had a girlfriend to share his very odd sense of humor and desire for....Okay, so you do not need a "girlfriend" per say, ---but he wants a girlfriend, so maybe...I'm going to stop there.
Michael needs to grow up. I want to help him with his english.
I was happy today. H-a-p-p-y. I love my English class. I impressed my professor with one of the movies I mentioned. His eyes opened...wide...then wider and he said, "wow," with the mouth emphazing on the "o."
It was cute. Really. Like he wanted to say, "Nicole, my child, look how much you've grown in a year!"
I smiled. So did Cliff.
Being in English made me think about Aaron Olson and how much fun I had with him. Although he strived for perfection---his sense of humor and sincerity made me wish he was still (here)-- in the country that is. I thought back to the first Wednesday when he came to class and I thought, "I hope he's in my group."
Do you believe in fate?
I talked to several friends today on the phone.
Yet. I still feel. Alone.