Pictures and rants galore under cut. Beware, it's long. ^.^0
art stuff:
Graphic Design was my first design project in Intro to Graphic Design. Our assignment was to pick the first letter of either our first or last name, and to abstract it within a 4 square grid. We had to find examples of type in any place, and then pick one letter in one type face to use. The rules were that you had to have the whole letter in one box, and the other 3 had to be abstracted bits of that same letter. Also we could only use 3 colors max in your composition. I really liked my design (for once!), and my teacher did too. However, the colors I chose ended up taking away from my composition. My final grade on the project was an 90, and I'm happy with that. ^.^
Photography were two of the photos that I took when we were supposed to be experimenting with appeture openings, and focus. The aperture controls the depth of field possible in each picture (larger opening= more depth of field, smaller opening= less depth of field, aperture= the opening that controls how much light reaches the film/ chip, depth of field= objects in front and behind the object focused on) The first picture was with a large opening, and the second was with a small opening. Ok, trying to get selective focus on a digital camera was a BITCH. >< so yeah, I hated most of the shots I took that day except for a couple. So these are just up because they were ok, not because they actually worked with the assignment. were photos that experimented with shutter speeds. The shutter speed controls well...the shutter and how fast or slow it closes. This also means that shutter speeds control how motion is captured. When you have a slow shutter speed (big number, like 1 second), the motion is very blurry because it takes so long for the shutter to close. If the shutter speed is fast (small number, like 1/200 of a second), the motion is completely frozen. The first two are slow shutter speed, the second two are fast shutter speed. I took pictures of a friend leaping, and I like motion capture WAY better than selective focus. ^.^ two are part of the random images we had to take. The first one was "effect of water and light in a fountain" and the second on was "Overlay of the reflection on a window, sowing part of the interior of the window". Meh. They are ok. ^.^0
Politics stuff:
Ok, so this bill? Scares me. Know what scares me more? The fact that I knew nothing about it until now. I would like to at least have a heads up when my government is yet again scheming to take away basic rights and civil liberties. >< This bill is basically outlining and allowing for special "military like trials" (air quotes, not actual quotes) where the accused is a "threat to the American government and security". As such, they do not need: a fair or speedy trial, a jury of their peers, or a warrant for arrest, along with may other basic things. Also, this bill leaves the definition of who or what a "threat" is up to the government. Oh yeah, and the secretary of defense has to tell you what these military tribunals are doing... sort of. They have to write a report that is unclassified, but allows for classified material to be left out. (and what is "classified" is defined by the secretary of state /government) That is what I got from it, and I haven't even finished it yet. So yeah. This both scares and angers me. however, makes me very happy. I love that he has the balls to stand up and say something, and we all need that kind of courage. I think, I am going to start doing some political art now and when I get home. I need to remember to watch the news..or something. blegh.