Who: Thomas Jefferson, anyone who might want to yell at him
What: Surveying Monticello
When: Saturday
Where: Monticello
Posting Order: Tag in separate threads, if you please.
Jefferson rounds the corner of the building, frowning at the northern portico. It is entirely possible, of course, that he could rebuild his home anew outside the walls of Nautilus, but he does not feel it appropriate, somehow. A smaller house, no less cleverly designed, would serve as well.
He takes a few steps back from Monticello, considering what to do with it. He could leave it, of course; there are others who live here, and they could use it, after he has gone. Though once he has gone, likely it will be overwhelmed by the wilderness. It is only his strength of will that has kept it so pristine.
With a sigh, Jefferson turns away. He awaits Aaron's agreement, before he may take any action.