Who: Squall Leonhart, OPEN
What: Training.
Where: Plaza of Whirlwinds, Northern District
When: Friday, starting in the morning and lasting all day
Notes: Please tag into separate threads, unless first asking otherwise.
It's been ten days since the battle for the tower, and only now does Squall feel recovered enough to resume his training.
The period of rest wasn't unreasonable. He'd been forced to use his Limit Break almost nonstop. They weren't meant to be used like that; they were meant as a last resort, a sort of desperate attempt to kill the enemy before you were killed instead. Honestly, Squall counts himself lucky to have managed it without exhausting himself to the point of death.
He stands near the edge of the plaza, warming up as he contemplates the abilities at his disposal. Siren, who he'd managed to summon the night before, is rather useless in a place where people don't use magic. He can use her to Junction to his Magic, Status Attack, or Status Defense, but, given that he only has one spell at his disposal, he'd rather keep that Junctioned to Vitality.
Even though Pain would be an incredibly powerful Status Attack Junction....
Squall shakes his head, stretching out his bad shoulder. He really shouldn't Blind, Silence, and Poison his training partner without being able to clean up after himself. And he certainly shouldn't do so during their first session.
That is, if Kyd Wykkyd even shows up.
He's not sure what prompted the sudden offer to train with the guy. Sure, Wykkyd seems to have some interesting abilities, but they weren't exactly ... compatible, training-wise. Well, whatever. The offer had been made. The other teenager will either take him up on it, or Squall will practice alone.
Either works for him.