Who: Wreck-Gar, Plastic Man, anyone else who wants to tag along and shoot some light guns!
What: Wreck-Gar's first birthday! That means party time.
When: Wednesday Afternoon
Where: Laser Tag place.
Plas had no idea how Wreck-Gar managed to stay so cheerful and hopeful with all the things that went on in this crazy place, but he admired it. The Junkion was good, down to his last bolt. The way a hero should be and the way that Eel O’Brian definitely wasn’t. The guy deserved the best damn birthday anyone could have, and Plas was going to try and give it to him.
Besides, he had to make sure his partner had a party to remember, didn’t he?
He'd been working on the presents all morning. Bending was not Plastic Man's strong point, and it took a few tries to get them just right. Okay, more than a few. There had been at least a two dozen failed attempts, probably more. He'd lost count around twenty or so. But eventually, he'd managed to finish Wreck-Gar's gifts and make a big enough box for them.
Of course, he wasn't going to be able to hide the thing; it was a massive, red-wrapped cube taller than he was, complete with a white ribbon and bow. But at least it would be a surprise until the Junkion arrived.
Now he could only wait, and hope that there were laser guns big enough for giant robots.