Who: Dana, Kid Flash, and anyone who wants to join!
What: A post-storm open movie night, so everyone can wind down and have fun together.
Where: The cinema in the Southern District
When: Starting Friday evening
Notes: Mingle! Bring your own movies! We're having fun here!
The party ends when YOU say it does! )
He does one last patrol of the snowmen, because he suspects they're just a matter of time before they come alive in some frosty giant army of carrot-nosed evil, before he rolls into the back of the theater.
Lurking like a lurky thing. You don't see him, all white and red and car or anything. He just...blends...right...in. SUBTLE.
"Drift? It's going to be hard to actually watch any movies from there."
So much for stealth. "I'm good back here."
Besides, he's not here for the movies. He's here for the inevitable trouble.
"Well then, could you at least switch to human form? You're taking up a lot of room."
Like...here, for example.
"Oh." An awkward silence. "Sorry. I'll just leave, then." He shifts gears into reverse, rolling carefully backwards, out of the theater.
"Drift, you don't need to leave! Just- be smaller? Or we could set something up in the parking lot, maybe..."
True, embarrassing confessions. He has no idea how to change his form.
"Don't worry. I'll just be outside."
"If you need anything, just... honk, I guess. And I'll come out and see you, if you want."
He didn't want to see your stupid movies anyway. *sob*
So, Wally stopped next to the pair to meddle help as per his usual. "I'm pretty good at bending," he said, swallowing a mouthful of popcorn. "I can help with that, if you want. You could be, like, undercover, or something. Never know when we might need, uh, extra security." to ruin fun
"Pretty good at bending." Why doesn't that sound really confidence building? "What did you have in mind?"
He stopped and turned slightly, to face the boy and nod to him. "I oughtn't've interrupted; I ought to apologize." The fact acknowledged, he seemed disinclined to do any such thing and instead turned to Dana, tipping his hat. "Dana."
"Don't apologize; you're offering suggestions, trying to help."
And hey, 'pretty good at bending' is really just him being- such a rare occurrence!- on the modest side. He's been here for over two and a half years, after all, he's had loads of time to work on bending. And it's something he trained in pretty extensively when the whole Isis-crisis was looming around.
Peeking at Dana from the corner of his eye (hey, she seemed ok with V! Awesome!), Wally turned his attention back to Drift. "It's worth a shot!"
"Not fond of being small and weak, no. Not really." But he could recognize 'ganged up on' when he saw it. This was three against one. "All right, fine. But...still not going to get me to eat that chocolate ice cream."
So gracious, he is.
Surely you can trust the man who helped you escape Holiday.
“Which will it be? I assure you, you will not be pressured into sampling dairy products if you opt for a human form.”
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