Who: Gambit, !OPEN
What: He's basically mapped out all four districts, so he's taking a tour of the city the best way a thief can.
Where: The whole damn city. Pick a spot.
When: Kinda late tonight
Warnings: likely tl;dr. Oh and Gambit speaks a lot of French. And he curses, too. XD A LOT OF THINGS.
Notes: Doesn't matter where you are in the city,
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He took an internal sigh, looking the building over. This looked like some sort of museum, he could tell. Not like he was about to steal anything in this city, especially with no currency system... and the fact that the doors seemed be unlocked... Yes, he checked. He's cold, okay? There's no church around and he's not stepping foot in a crowded Welcome House.
He took an almost guilty look outside, before walking on in. He wouldn't stay long. There were still probably some form of security... Or maybe not. Didn't look like there was, anyway, and Remy was pretty good at looking through things like that. Sure, a few cameras here and there, but not really something for a museum this grand.
... This museum was decked out nicely. Not really surprising since one could Bend whatever they wanted. He walked pass a few of the dinosaur skeletons, checking things out as he went. Someone had spent time on this place.
He continued on, looking across the wall of paintings until he spied one... and backed up a step.
He leaned in to look closer, holding his breath in case of sensors, before backing off again. He tried looking at it from a standing position, too... before leaning back in... then out again. Eventually, Remy took a few steps back, observing it as if he were thinking of buying, crossing his arms and even furrowing his brow.
"The Cliffs at Etretat. S'il agit une copie, il s'bon."
He jumped at the sudden voice, whirling to look beside him. Oh, it's just- WHO IS THIS? Gambit would just start running, but, yeah, that won't look guilty at all. Then again, this guy was wearing a mask and top hat...
Might as well play the nice card? And if things go bad, then run.
"Ah! Excusez-moi. Je n'entends pas une intrusion. Il fait froid et la porte a ouvrez."
Whatever's damaged, taken, or destroyed could easily be replaced... This Bending thing was a difficult one to wrap his mind around.
"Je suppose que vous n'êtes pas peur de theives dans cette ville. N'nécessité d'être."
Still... um, trying to figure it all out, thanks.
"Il été mentionné..."
He nodded in agreement that the city seemed normal enough on close inspection... or sort of normal.
"Non, je n'visité pas cette copie de Manhattan." He's had this conversation before... "Tu sont V, oui?"
He looked back at the painting before looking to V. "Ya live here?"
He looks again around the space that they're standing in, including back to the dinosaur skeletons. "Impressive 'xhibit." He would know. The job called for studying up on such things. Especially paintings. "I heard 'bout dese storms, bu' not a lot. I know dey don' soun' all dat fun."
A beat passed, and he turned to face Gambit fully.
“They are things best braced for. What have you heard?”
Remy looked around at the room they were in again. "Den I guess I'm gonna have ta seem da rest o' dis place at some point.
"Ah, no' much. Mos' o' what I heard be from a guide someone sent me."
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