Who: Wing, Drift, Jetstorm and Jetfire
Where: Wing's Circle, Southern District
When: Forward dated to the morning of Thursday, the 11th because I am the slowest thing ever
Warnings: Epic Derpery?
He'd discussed the date with Drift the day before: a time to finally teach him Nautilus' one great gift to them. It would be Wing's first try and actually teaching anyone else how to Bend, but he felt confident about it. Starscream had taught him well and Wing had felt comfortable with the Decepticon's methods; they were similar to his own. And it was Drift. This is what they were comfortable with, right?
So they'd decided on the next morning. It was supposed to be just them, but somewhere during the discussion, the twins had arrived and by the end they had been included as well. They already knew what Wing would be teaching, but extra practice never hurt anyone and they could help Drift.
Light had only barely begun peeking up over the horizon when Wing arrived at the open plaza and the circle of Cybertronian buildings surrounding it that he had spent so much time on months before; honing his Bending strength and creating something that felt a little more like home. It was very much Old Cybertron although the designs adorning the floor of the circular plaza itself harkened back to the aesthetics of Crystal City.
He waited patiently for the others, knowing that he'd arrived well in advance and biding his time by cleaning up some of the vegetation from the surrounding forest that liked to creep in between the buildings when he wasn't paying attention.