Concentraaaaate...! [OPEN]

Jun 30, 2011 06:34

What: Axel's attempting to train. Interruptions abound?
When: Thursday or Friday. YOU DECIDE.
Where: Out in some open space in some district. (Seriously, he'll move around a bunch. Just pick an area that's convenient.)
Notes: Action or prose is fine!

Learning how to teleport wasn't something that was terribly high on Axel's list of priorities. In fact, of the three options the Deva had given him to learn first, that had been his very last choice. After all, he could use the Dark Corridors to go wherever he pleased. Why did he need some other way to get where he was going? It wasn't as though he had stopped wearing his Black Coat; what little pieces of heart he had were protected well enough. Sure, it couldn't hurt to learn it, but it wasn't at the top of his to-do list.

Flying wasn't something that interested him too much, either. He didn't have any objections to learning how, exactly. It was just that ... well, he already had a flight-capable form. Two, if he counted the peacock (which he rarely did). He could turn into a jet whenever he pleased ... and yet, he could count the times he'd actually put that form to use (outside of practice) on one hand. He didn't need to fly. He was just fine where he was.

When it came down to it, he'd chosen to learn to use the Sight first. He guessed it might be useful. Eventually. But as far as the training itself went? He had little doubt he'd picked the most boring one.

Sitting cross-legged in the middle of a quiet, open space, Axel closed his eyes and concentrated. He had to find whatever that ... thing was, that would show him more of things. Simple enough, right?

As it turned out, the answer was a resounding no. Evidently, figuring out how to use the Sight required a good deal more concentration than the redhead's very busy mind saw fit to spare.

But that wouldn't keep Axel from trying. Oh no. Even as his expression slowly grew more and more irritated, he kept trying, and he would continue to try until he could see everything. Then he'd be done with this dumb training, and he could go on to more important things.

† helen magnus, demyx, lara croft, sora, !open, axel, † wheeljack

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