Who: Dr. Helen Magnus and
thewake_rpWhat: The very first steps into Nautilius.
Where: The Northern District.
When: Midday.
Warnings: None!
Notes: I hate it when my hair sticks in my lipgloss, it's so not superhero.
Helen held her head as the world stopped spinning, finding herself on the ground, covered by cool shade.
She shook her head lightly, and made sure to touch her wrists, remembering the harsh electric charge that wracked her entire body. Holding her head, she propped herself up against the wall she found herself near as she stood. The cool metal was enough to distract her. She took a few steps back, spotting something on the ground next to her. Some sort of laptop--she paused as she saw the cool silver image of a shell, and her name printed right below it on the top. Too overwhelmed with curiosity, she picked it up, gently running her hands over the sign there before taking in a better view of her new surroundings.
“If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story," she murmured to herself, brushing a bit of her hair back.
If she was here, perhaps Will, Kate and Henry were, as well. It was only fair. A few steps away, and she heard a sudden ringing from behind, prompting her to look back. ... was that Big Ben behind her? Her eyes narrowed slightly, and she tilted her head to the side, as if asking the familiar, yet strange tower a question on her own. At that point, Helen wished she'd brought a pen with her so she could start a makeshift map. With all the buildings dotted around, she was bound to get lost. The easiest landmark: Big Ben, it should be easily viewable from afar. The next... a library?
Keeping her hands tightly clasped around the computer that bore her name, she walked until she found a well-walked path, keeping a good look at her surroundings as she walked past, and taking note of all the people she passed as well. She needed someone who knew this place like the back of their hand, but the people she passed so far seemed to be quite different from each other--were any of them locals? Was this a refugee camp, and if so, why would the afterlife have a refugee camp? If it was the afterlife. There was a possibility something had gone wrong. It seemed to be the case with Helen's life, after all.
She paused at a crossroads, looking this way and that, cautious on who she was looking for. Helen, having lived more than a century, knew who to stay away from. Well, usually.