Who: Nite Owl and anyone who he's building stuff for/people who want to request something or just stop by
What: Dan's in his workshop, just ring the bell!
When: Monday night (after he's turned back into a human)
Where: In the basement of his house
Posting Order: It'd probably be easier to do each project in separate threads, but if more than one person
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"We spoke about hoverboards at one point," she began. "I still have no idea how to go about building one, though."
"Oh! Tally! Yes, the hoverboards..." he shuffled through the papers and pulled out the right one, bringing it over to his drawing board to show her, "This is the basic idea I've come up with. Essentially I took the steering apparatus off of my scooter and accounted for the lost weight. I wasn't entirely sure what you wanted, of course. What exactly were you looking for?"
He glances up, then grins sheepishly, "Sorry if I seem a bit frazzled, I haven't looked at anything down here in a week...I was a bit busy."
Tally took the blueprints and studied them. The dimensions seemed sound. It wouldn't be able to fold up or be solar-powered, but that was okay, as long as it floated. They'd need a lot of magnets, though.
"How good are you at bending?" asked Tally.
He's really been hoping no one would ask him about that. The idea of making things out of thin air didn't exactly sit well with him, although that is where all the parts came from, he supposes. His cheeks grow a little warm.
"I'm not the greatest at it. I mean, I haven't exactly been trying to do anything yet. It seems a bit unnatural, to be honest."
He looks at his blueprints and wonders if his design is, perhaps, a bit overcomplicated. Magnets. Huh. Maybe Jon's arrival in his world had made things more advanced than was really necessary in the long run.
Tally sat down on the shop's cement floor and thought. There had to be a metallic grid here. Her crash bracelets, still fastened to her wrists from day one, had felt something. And half the fun of boarding was finding a trail. Shay's old ugly friends had blazed the river trail out to the Rusty Ruins. Tally would be the one to explore and map Nautilus's metal deposits.
That actually sounded fun.
"If you build the frame, I can work out where the magnets will go," said Tally. "But we'll have to bend them first."
"The frame is no problem. I should have that done in a couple days- unless there's something about the body you want to change. I tried to make them lightweight so they don't have a very interesting shape. To be honest I'm used to working around themes as far as look goes- you know, the owl thing."
"You don't have a 'thing', do you?" he asks with a bit of a hesitant smile.
For now, she ignored the seat. She was perfectly comfortable on the floor, and in fact was used to less ideal conditions.
He smiles back at her, glad to have an (almost) average human to talk to. After years in retirement, he doesn't quite feel like a hero anymore. It's just a bit more comfortable and natural to sit here and tinker and chat rather than think about what's really important in the world.
"So other than the magnets, what do you want it made out of? Titanium, steel? Or did your world have some other metal that worked better?"
He gets up and walks over to his workbench, pulling various parts together into a pile in the center. The silence begins to feel awkward as he decides what he needs. What is there to talk about?
He clears his throat and glances back at her while he works, "Are these hoverboards popular in your world?"
Well, it was more than that. Unlike any other hover vehicle, hoverboards were popular. Every ugly at one point or another had one. They ran on solar batteries and folded up for storage. Their maglev technology allowed them to be weightless on the magnetic grid; they could simply be towed around. It was for these reasons that tricky uglies considered hoverboards to be essential tools when sneaking through the city.
And sneaking to the Smoke.
"Tricks like...what, pranks? Were you in a gang before you turned to the good side?" He tries to make it clear he's teasing her but he knows how sensitive teens can be- he'd accidentally offended Laurie on several occasions back in the old days and was never really clear on what he'd said to cause it.
And then she noticed the word "gang". Gangs were...Rusty collections of dropouts and stoners, thugs who beat up people and tagged brick walls with spray paint. That definitely did not fit her, but she wouldn't correct his impression. It was really strange, explaining her home.
He turns to face her and leans back against the bench, "Sorry if I offended you. I'd just like to get to know my boss a little better." Dan smiles brightly at her.
Just as long as she isn't interested in her employee's history, everything will be fine.
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