Who: Sari, Starscream, Soundwave in another thread
When: Saturday night
Where: The Pineapple, potentially elsewhere
What: Goodbyes were never easy in Nautilus, but a girl and a jet try to make it work.
Sari'd known for months that the call to come home had begun building. Each day, it became harder and harder to ignore, as the urge to fall back Asleep seemed to both mentally and physically tug at her from every angle. But she'd held on, because she'd wanted to spend one more Christmas, one last Christmas, with...
Well, everyone. But especially Starscream.
Sari was going to miss Starscream so much.
Even as her heart ached as she wrote her final goodbyes on the network - and a few in person - Sari dreaded each action she performed in preparing to go. Everything felt so final: this was her last time making her bed. Her last time putting her tools away. Her last time closing her bedroom door and walking down the hallway.
No. It wouldn't be forever. She would see Nautilus again, and not wait until she was old enough to forget it all.
Her knock at the door seemed so much louder compared to how quiet and meticulous she'd been so far.