Who: V, Orihime, Pepper, KITT; it’s open to the museum’s inhabitants.
What: V’s brought Orihime back to the museum… but he’s brought bad news, as well.
When: Backdated to November Fourth
Where: The Fibonacci Museum
Warnings: This is going to get sad.
V didn’t hesitate to start up the broad stone steps, bat still held loosely in one hand. He moved as quickly as he could despite a lame left leg, aware he had to hurry; the bite was impossible to ignore, even if---for all its implications---its importance was dwarfed by the fact of their arrival.
(Their arrival---the plural was the point; Orihime was still at his side.)
He was home, with the wood of the museum’s front doors solid beneath the blows of his free fist.
“It’s only us.”