Who Knows what Evil Lurks in the Hearts of Men? [CLOSED]

Oct 29, 2009 20:45

Who: Zanki and Anomie
What: Zanki has invited Anomie to come and find him and she takes him up on it.
Where: Eastern District, Beach.
When: Middle of the night, some time after this post.
Warnings: Gore, Violence, Character Death

Things were bad. So bad that Zanki didn't trust himself around others. He was afraid that he would hurt those he cared for and even though that circle of friends was small here, he didn't want to see harm come to them. Especially not by his own hand. And if Anomie had any common sense, she'd stay away from him.

You know she won't. She will come and you will eat her heart. You will feed me and we will be one.

The piece of driftwood he had been fixing to add to the fire he had built earlier, dropped from his hand. His blood ran cold and a voice in his head laughed. Zanki frowned as he returned to his research. The library had been some help but not much. It had only created more questions and he couldn't seem to fill in the gaps. There just wasn't enough information and no one to give him the answers he needed. But he knew the truth. There would be no saving himself, he could only delay the inevitable like he had with his death.

Then it hit him. If he could modify the spell he had used to preserve his life, maybe he could hold the Demon back.

You will fail. I will take over and you will die.

"We will see about that." Zanki said to himself.

† anomie, † zanki

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