Who are these masked men, anyway?

Jul 22, 2009 05:04

Who: Nite Owl and V, maybe others?
What: Just a chance encounter and an odd conversation, like as not. V looks like a shady character and Dan is suspicious.
Where: Eastern District, somewhere between the Museum and the Plaza.
When: Backdated to before V’s meeting with Wendy.
Warnings: None.

Smile. It makes people wonder what you’re up to. )

† nite owl, v

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crazylikefawkes July 24 2009, 05:00:32 UTC
"Probably...up to a point, and to your benefit and my misfortune, I must admit." The good cheer had slipped from V's tone, and he spoke seriously now. Despite that seriousness, any gloom or grief was absent or in disguise---an undercurrent on anger, however, could be easily identified. "America is now known as the former United States, and we---as the world---haven't got an Africa any longer. Britain was never bombed, but there is... little left of Europe. I'm unable to provide the specifics and I apologize for that, but that is the fault of the censors!"

The costume could impede expression, but it couldn't prevent it; V's very voice and posture at first suggested and then stressed a man driven half-mad by frustration and outrage.

"Norsefire is a political party, the political party, which formed from the remnants of the fascist far right and the remaining corporations." A quiet creak could have been considered an interruption, but it was ignored entirely; it came from V's gloves, as his hands curled into hard fists. "Adam Susan entered this... institution, we shall say, of hate crimes and commerical interests, and emerged its Leader. Capitalized in all print and programming---he did author programs after his... ascension, although I refuse to discuss them at present. It is a pleasant morning."

The shift to a calmer conversation happened as quickly as an actor could switch scripts.

"We ought to compare world histories, when we've time for it. Your world and mine are nearer than they might have been---in one world, a square moon may rise in the sky, and in another, there may grow roses which sing. The stars may laugh in cold voices, and everything lead on to everything."


owlthemedhero July 24 2009, 05:19:08 UTC
Dan's surprised by the passion and fire behind the man's words. All doubts are gone from his mind now- this man is quite obviously good, if not a hero in the sense that Dan is used to. But, then again, it's hard not to think of Rorshach when faced with such intense conviction hidden by such an expressionless mask.

He wondered if it was possible that the world this stranger spoke of was the future he'd abandoned when he came Nautilus, but somehow it seemed unlikely. Veidt had his fingers in too many things to allow the world to fall into disrepair so quickly.

But then again...

No, he didn't think so. It was impossible that in an overview of the future of Dan's world that the mass murder attributed to Dr. Manhattan would be left out completely.

The change of mood was a bit jarring, but Dan found he was amused by the poetic language the man used. He nodded in agreement.

"Yes, it's true. We could've been lightyears apart but it doesn't seem that way."

Finally, he remembered and said, "I haven't asked your name."


crazylikefawkes July 24 2009, 05:48:09 UTC
V would have been slightly surprised, if he wasn't already well aware of how hard it sometimes seemed to stop, when he'd started in one of his standard roles. Although he'd lost the line between person and persona, he was sincere in all he said; that sincerity shone through the stage-dressing.

Calmer, composed, and even managing a second smile beneath his mask, V turned his palms up in a c'est-la-vie shrug. "The gods are fond of a jest, and we've certain similarities for all our differences." Again, the question ...why an owl? came to mind and went unasked. "What of your world?"

The observation was met with a chuckle, and V nodded. "To be fair, I've never offered one. 'V' is near enough. If I may ask after your alias...?"


owlthemedhero July 24 2009, 06:38:07 UTC
"Nite Owl," he answered simply. That was the easy part.

He didn't know where to start when it came to his world. Should go back and explain Jon and all the impacts his transformation into Doctor Manhattan had made? Was the Keene Act even worth mentioning? Would explaining the Cold War be unnecessary or the key to making any of it make sense?

As he thought it over, he wished he could hide behind a mask. The simplest thing to say was the thing he didn't want to admit.

"When I left my world, it was just after one of my comrades...one of my friends, I thought...had just murdered thousands of people in the name of preventing war. He framed an incredibly powerful but completely innocent man. And, indirectly, he killed my best friend." Though he knew Rorshach had essentially killed himself, he continued anyway, "But, despite all the horrible things that happened...it seems like it might've worked. At least for a little while."

As he went silent, he realized he'd never really explained this to anyone. Not completely.


crazylikefawkes July 24 2009, 07:09:03 UTC
"It is, then, a pleasure to meet you."

V waited patiently for the other to straighten out his story and summarize. He could not hurry him, and he could not interrupt---even in its condensed form, a story like this one rose above a running commentary. The first remark, made after a beat, was meant as honestly as anything.

"I am sorry for your loss."

A new silence spun out, as V considered the people he had killed and the lives they had lived. There had been no innocent among them. Those men and women had tortured and killed for pay and pleasure. Those men and women saw their fellows as breathing bags of meat at best. Those men and women turned blind eyes on the very idea of basic dignity, adopting such absurdities as 'it was them-or-us' and 'I only followed orders' as rallying cries.

They had been punished for that, for what they had done and were doing, for what they had become and were creating, but every accident, every disguised death, every execution had been about retribution---never estimation.

"Why that particular path?"


owlthemedhero July 24 2009, 07:23:10 UTC
Dan could sense, as much as he ever could from people who hide their faces completely, that V was being sincere. The silence that followed was necessary, he felt, for the weight of what had been said to really sink in. He understood it. He just didn't like the feel of that quiet.

But when V speaks again, he feels he has to leave another silence before he can respond. He's been trying to understand that for some time now and he's come up with no answer that is totally satisfactory.

"I...suppose it came down to fear. At least, that's why he thought it would work. If everyone's united against one thing that is universally terrifying then it's impossible to fight amongst yourselves."

He paused.

"It doesn't justify it, though. I don't think anything could ever justify that much death."


crazylikefawkes July 27 2009, 01:18:46 UTC
"We are agreed." A brief beat passed, and V continued. "I may understand his motives, but I cannot condone his course. Fear can increase caution... but it cannot create safety. It is the parent of cruelty, it is a cage, it binds and blinds reason!"

He blew out a breath, but the speech did not lose speed; its fire flared again.

"How long until that unity shifts and splinters?! How long until cooperation gives to competition, some country striving to make some other a more enticing target, or stealing from others to shore itself up in anticipation of another attack?! How long, indeed, until that fear turns into a tool, available to all and, as a result, wearing away at everyone?!"

V stopped. He sighed. "Fear strips us of our good sense, reducing us to something ugly, something animal. The monsters of Maple Street. Its effects are all but instantaneous. Only when we are without fear, we are free to be better."


owlthemedhero July 27 2009, 01:29:21 UTC
Dan nodded, his mouth hanging slightly open in wonder. Hearing these thoughts put so eloquently makes him feel a bit useless in this conversation.

He can tell that V is speaking from experience and he's sympathetic to it. But in this city where death isn't permanent and while you might feel fear from whatever the city does to you...it's not the same as back home.

So, when he speaks, it comes off as cool and detached, "Well, at least we don't have to worry about that sort of thing here. I mean, I'm worried about what's happened to my original home but..." He trailed off. But this is home now? But that world ceased to be his home when Veidt destroyed it? But he can't face going back so he's got to move forward?

He wasn't sure what he was going to say. So he changed the subject.

"What exactly did you do, in your world? I mean, how did you operate?"


crazylikefawkes July 27 2009, 02:23:43 UTC
V's air and attitude changed as soon as Dan spoke; he set his anger aside to ask "Do we not?" curious, but not currently accusing. "Fear strikes in the same way, time after time. To an extent, people are ugly and animal, although we've the ability to overcome."

There came several seconds' quiet consideration; V did not consider his answer, but what he would ask: But...? But what? I could ask, I could, I should, and perhaps someday I will---I would now, but I am not inclined to be cruel.

"I am an avenger, and began in"---bombs---"broadcasting. Beyond that?" Abductions and arson; break-ins and bayonets. "You know full well that a magician may not explain anything and expect to retain his magic; I will opt to omit my methods, though I will admit to engaging in streetside fisticuffs in addition to other activities."


owlthemedhero July 27 2009, 02:36:59 UTC
Dan wasn't sure what V meant by broadcasting, but he understood the desire to keep secrets. He wasn't about to press any further.

"Streetside fisticuffs?" he laughed, "Well, we never called it that, but that's essentially what we did. Catching purse-snatchers to bringing down mob bosses..." He trailed off, suddenly nostalgic.

He sighed and shrugged his shoulders, "Here there isn't much call for that. Sure, there are occasional city-wide battles over one thing or another but, well...I don't feel like there's only a few of us fighting anymore. It makes it a little less nerve-wracking." Although the villains in Nautilus tended to be exponentially more powerful than anything back home. Still, he hadn't had to face anyone up close and personal so things had been going fairly well.

"Not to mention the fact that I'm getting to old for this sort of thing. I was actually just out of retirement when I got here. I'm in better shape than I was but I'm still not as effective as years ago."

He wondered, silently, if working on his bending would change that. If age would cease to be a factor. But he doesn't mention it. Too much information usually caused newcomers to break down pretty quickly. Not that this fellow seemed to be the type.


crazylikefawkes July 27 2009, 03:04:00 UTC
V continued with his own contributions, prompted by a sense of camaraderie he hadn't expected. "Tracing abuse to a position of power and putting a permanent end to it. Arriving at the right time. Stopping someone, saving someone."

He tilted his head, stressing the smile again. "I will appreciate others. It is a strange change, but welcome, as is company. Stopping on the street to speak, and speak civilly, is still a luxury---speaking of which, I meant to meet someone soon."


owlthemedhero July 27 2009, 03:13:36 UTC
Dan appreciated getting at least a little insight into what V was about. It seemed his desire to overthrow his government was noble, at least in V's own mind. Since he didn't know the details it was difficult to make judgments.

"Oh, well, don't let me keep you," Dan said, smiling. He extended a hand to shake. "It was nice meeting you, V. I hope I'll see you around."


crazylikefawkes July 27 2009, 03:31:49 UTC
"I ought to be able to make up the time, and if I am not? I'll apologize, although I would not trade the talk." He accepted the offered hand without hesitation; his shake was strong and his hand sure beneath its leather layer. "It was a pleasure. We should meet again; c'est la vie, save sheer coincidence. If it is not by chance, I will certainly seek you out. Good day."

The man who never stopped smiling stepped back, tipped his hat, and was gone.


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