Apr 15, 2012 01:31
[Hey, look, it's Peter again! He's sitting in a tree somewhere -- the forest backdrop suggests he's still in the South. There's a scone from England's scone tree hanging from his mouth as he scrutinizes something in his hands.]
[It's a small, round picture frame, barely bigger than his hands. He stares down at it with confusion in his eyes, and despite the pastry in his mouth he still manages a frown.]
[Finally Peter just shrugs and tosses the frame aside. There's a brief pause before a shattering sound is heard as it hits the ground.]
[Peter relaxes back against the tree, taking the scone in one hand to chew his mouthful. The camera moves back and begins panning down, slowly following the tree trunk all the way to the mossy ground. There, among the shards of the frame's shattered glass, lies a small picture - it's difficult to tell if it's a painting or a photo The woman in the picture is smiling as she cradles a baby in her arms. She's very soft and feminine and has a kind light in her eyes.]
[For anyone who may notice details like these, both the baby and the woman bear a remarkable resemblance to Peter.]
peter pan