[Marian ducks just in time to avoid the paper that has come flying through her open window... Granted, she's curious since she has never seen a newspaper before and starts to look through it... then lets out a rather unladylike screech of] ....WHAT?! [As she reads the '
Couple of the Month' article.]
[She drops the paper and starts rubbing the bridge of her muzzle in frustration.]
You have GOT to be kidding me..... Even if I wasn't engaged to Robin.... That is so wrong... It would be like dating a... a sibling... a litter mate even...
[Picking up the paper again, she sits down and re-reads it while frowning and shaking her head.]
Where did they even come up with such a ridiculous story? Have they been drinking... because that isn't even possible...
[Marian pauses as she seems to realize something, and drops the paper as she buries her face in her paws while letting out a small groan.]
I really hope nobody believes this... this... manure....