37th Gear... INFECTION BAD. [Voice]

May 29, 2011 09:42

Quick public service announcement, people!

In case you haven't noticed, we've got a serious contamination problem here. All the sciencey details aside, the basics are that every EVO in Nautilus is swarming with nanites. For those of you who are technologically challenged, those are machines too small to see with the human eye. And they're the reason that things mutate into EVOs.

Don't get any EVO blood or spit or...whatever into your mouth or eyes or cuts because that'll give those nanites a free pass to enter your body. If you turn, I can cure you. It's one of my abilities as an EVO. But I'll be blunt here... I'm really starting to get worn out. If I keep this up much longer, my biometrics are going to start crashing and I won't be able to cure anyone! And given there's no telling how long this storm is gonna last, me with my powers flickering on an off like a dying light bulb for what could be up to another four days would probably be a Bad ThingTM.

So, to recap? CONTAMINATION BAD. Use guns or explosives or traps or something decently long range to defend yourselves if you have anything like that. Stuff that won't let these guys get all over you and bite and claw. We'll all be a lot happier that way!

rex salazar

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